Sponsoring & Donations

Kooyman believes it is important to make a valuable contribution to the communities that w e are a part of as a company.

Therefore Kooyman is happy to help institutions and organizations which have positive goals towards:

      • Youth & Education

      • Poverty Reduction

      • Sustainability 

We support only local:

      • Organizations

      • Foundations 

      • Events.

Our support can be in materials or financial. When applying for sponsorship, we would like to receive an overview of the ways Kooyman will be incorporated in the marketing and communications of the event. In case of a donation, no external communication is required.

Click here for our Policy of Sponsoring & Donations. Please fill in the form below, and we will consider your request for sponsoring or donation.

We will respond to your request after 2 weeks.

In case there's no other participant/sponsor, insert “non”.